Manager Coaching

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Tutorial Agreements

About the Agreements

You are now reading about the Tutorial Agreements. You are not yet making an agreement. This page describes the Tutorial Agreements.

Tutorial Agreements:

1) You must have an e-mail address to receive some instructions and tips for using the Manager's Coaching/Feedback Message Board (if you use Hotmail or AOL be sure to allow emails from

2) You must have word processing/text editor software (i.e. MS Word, EditPad, etc.) and your own folder on the hard drive so that you can compose and save your "Feedback" messages. You will be copying and pasting the feedbacks you compose, using your word processor application, to the Manager's Message Board and then copy-pasting the coach's replies to your word processor document so that you can refer to them when composing your next feedback.

3) If you have been working with a therapist/counselor please wait until three months have passed from your last session before doing the tutorial. 

4) English must be your first language.

5) Each time you come across the words, "Time for Feedback" you will post your thoughts, feelings, emotions and experiences about what you just read on the Manager's Tutorial Message Board.  You can disagree with the entire tutorial and still find yourself producing different results within a short period of time.

6) Posting/Replying Etiquette: If you won't be replying to the coach's feedback within 72 hours, post a reply saying when (NLT � Not Later Than).

To register you will be required to agree to the above.


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