Manager Coaching

Three Samples of the Tutorial

Sample #1

Communicating Instructions:

Can you tell the difference between the following instructions?

Manager #1: "Tom, please alphabetize these cards."

Manager #2: "Tom, please alphabetize these cards."

Perhaps it would help if you knew the results each manager produced.

Manager #1's communication produced a perfect job whereas Manager #2's did not.

The difference?

Manager #1 communicated with intention.
Manager #2 unconsciously lapsed into his/her imitation of communication (in communication coaching jargon it's called talking).

Manager #2 also communicated (unconsciously) that he/she had no intention for the job to be done perfectly. Perhaps the employee learned from experience that  Manager #2 doesn't always mean what they say. In any case, mutual respect is missing. The integrity is "out" between the manager and the employee. There are too many unacknowledged withholds and perpetrations in the space.

When communication takes place the job always gets done as envisioned.

Manager #1 has developed the ability to cause others to recreate his/her intentions and as such consistently produces results such as listed here, with few if any reminders:

  • Meetings start (with everyone seated) and end on time.
  • Reports handed in on time, done completely, and legible.
  • Zero negative gossiping except that it's communicated to the absent party exactly what's being said about them.
  • No deceit in our personal and professional relationships�there is a correlation between the outcomes we produce here in our organization (our financial success) and our personal integrity. (Notice the confidence and absence of fear.)

Manager #2 gets upset and blames employees when they do poor/sloppy work.  Employees have absolutely no choice other than to mirror the integrity and communication-skills of their leader.

It could be said that our integrity sets up life for others to thwart us in support of communication-relationship mastery.

The Communication Skills Tutorial for Managers supports us all in mastering communication�to include managing our managers.

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