References: v9.17
Books/publications that serve as reference material for our various tutorials.
The God Effect (about quantum entanglement)
The Aware Baby (about intending crying)
The Intention Experiment (how thoughts affect outcomes)
A New Model of Integrity
Thoughts about Remote Healing Research

The God Effect:

Brian discusses quantum mechanics and entanglement theory for laypersons; its implications when applied to inter and intra-personal communications are mind boggling. 

For example: If one divides a particle that spins in a particular direction and then immediately place each half in separate sealed enclosures and then separate the enclosures (by one foot or millions of miles) —and then, if one changes the spin of the traveler, the spin of the stay-at-home particle automatically changes to the spin of the traveler. The pair of particles communicate with each other without wires or radio waves or any known transmission medium. It just happens automatically and instantaneously (as in faster than the speed of light).  Einstein referred to this phenomenon as "spooky."

When you observe (when you look at) another they automatically, unconsciously, change the way they communicate (verbally, non-verbally, physically and psychically) so as to interact/survive/grow in your presence. A resonance (an exchange of information) takes place between you.  I.e. When one meets the Dalai Lama they automatically, unconsciously, open themselves to his emanations, his aura; observing (experiencing) him you become his "spin" (you non-verbally acknowledge his enlightened presentation and he non-verbally acknowledges yours; he communicates appropriate to where you are on your path). An observer would notice that even your posture changed slightly when interacting with him; three of your rarely used smile muscles were triggered, as when they get sore from a unusual evening of laughter.

Entanglement explains the phenomenon in play when one partner decides to withhold a significant thought from the other on their first date; what's not commonly known is that the deciet automatically (instantaneously, unconsciously) creates the other withholding his/her thought of choice. In other words, withholding a significant** thought determines whether or not you'll be relating with someone of similar values (a similar spin).

For example: Let's assume that before you met your partner you used to operate from integrity, you could be trusted to communicate openly, honestly, and spontaneously most of the time, and that when you met your partner they too were equally candid. And then, during the date invitation communications you opted (consciously chose) to withhold a thought from them (herpes, AIDs, prior abusive relationship, a dysfunctional family, a well defined plan to have or not have sex on the date)—something that would usually be a deal-breaker on the first date, a significant thought always withheld for a "good" reason. The effect this had was that they immediately (instantaneously), without them even knowing why, found themselves withholding a thought from you.  In other words, you changed their value (the direction of spin so to speak) simply by observing them, by resonating, by being "in-tune" with them by communicating with them. To survive in your presence they had no choice other than to "spin" as you do.

The book compliments the premise that communication is a function of intention, not words, that communication is generated (called forth-created) from potential (euphemistically referred to as space) whereas with talking (that which we do 99.9% of the time) comes from some thing, the mind.

Simply inspiring!

** "significant" meaning, a thought you choose to withhold because you know it would cause an upset, or anger, or worse. Fleeting insignificant, non-reoccurring, thoughts are not withholds. What's not commonly known is that withholds are always being communicated non-verbally. I.e. Your partner doesn't know what you're withholding just that the love ain't what it could/should be (something's missing). Withholding a thought from your partner causes him/her to be incomplete in their relationship with you, thereby abusively denying them the experience of joyous love and ecstasy.


The Aware Baby
, Aletha Jauch Solter

The essence of the book: When your baby is crying intend for him/her to cry; this, rather than trying to get him/her to stop.

Babies are integrity meters: At the moment of conception a baby inherits the combined personal integrities of both parents, including the karma of their life's "incompletes." The baby is then, for nine months (24/7), exposed to everything, all communications (verbal, non-verbal, physical, and psychic emanations) that take place between the parents—and, all media broadcasts (the condition of the planet and its wars), all communications—the loving communications and all the unconscious put-downs, make-wrongs, and condescensions between parents (withholds, yellings, and abuses that have yet to be verbally acknowledged and therefore completed).

A baby can sense when one parent is withholding something (a thought or perpetration that affects the space between the parents). The harmonious vibrations of love are missing. It bothers the baby because the withhold is serving as a barrier to the experience of love—the harmonious vibrations, the way it was at least once before (for many couples it was the mindless euphoria during the conception climax). Read: Womb-mails—emails for expectant parents.

When the experience of love is missing between the three it upsets the baby. A baby does whatever it takes to restore the experience of integrity (love). Crying is one way of drawing attention to an out-integritybe it the wars, the unresolved squabbles or the dissatisfactions and thoughts being withheld between parents. Shushing or distracting (pacifier, bouncing, etc.) causes the baby to stuff the upset, the anger, the incomplete, until later, typically during the teenage years when a child can communicate resentments and disrespects (albeit, mostly non-verbally, mirroring the parent's addiction to blaming).

Sometimes misbehaving, getting sick, or failing is the only way to draw attention to the out-integrity of the parents, the fact that the child is not in-communication with anyone.

A baby who is lovingly supported in crying, expressing sadness, grief, or rage, won't have to dramatize such incompletes later as an adult.


The Intention Experiment
, Lynne McTaggart

"Using Your Thoughts to Change Your Life and the World"

An engaging participatory book that examines the affects of intention on matter. It leaves no doubt in one's mind that thoughts do have an effect, on oneself, on others, on all living things and on supposedly inanimate objects.

The book describes the amazing research (with surprising results) that has been done with remote healing, the receiver in one city, the healer in another. And, what many gamblers already know—how your mind can affect the roll of dice.

The book includes exercises pertaining to intention and an opportunity to participate (via the Internet) in world-wide experiments having to do with intention.

A must for anyone intent on mastering communication.

Additional thoughts about remote healing research.*


A New Model of Integrity—

An Actionable Pathway to Trust, Productivity and Value, Werner Erhard (founder of est Erhard Seminars Training, an Independent), Michael C. Jenson (Harvard Business School), Steven Zaffron (Vanto Group, The Forum)

The Harvard Law School's Seminar in Law, Economics, and Organization, Professor Michael Jensen and Werner Erhard presented a paper on integrity that they co-authored with Steve Zaffron.

The presentation of the paper was given in 2007. The paper is not written for the lay person however its significance cannot be underestimated. It represents a shift in consciousness within academia, at the very top. It's possibly the first time such a prestigious body of intellects, other than professional workshop facilitators, have acknowledged integrity as a communication variable, one that affects all outcomes.

"In summary, we show that defining integrity as honoring one's word."

Read the text of the presentation.

Read the text of the paper.



* Additional thoughts about remote healing research:

Feedback about intention research described by Lynne McTaggart in her book The Intention Experiment.

Lynne's book describes numerous researches about remote healing (healing via intention/prayer), how plants "cringe" when verbally or non-verbally threatened but not when they [the plants] discover it's just an experiment. The results are surprising. The book reveals that it's extremely difficult to measure the effectiveness of healers be they a Reiki practitioner, a psychic, or a cleric sending prayers. The following feedback discusses some fundamental communication principles as they apply to healing.

In experiments attempting to discover what's so about remote healing via intention there are four intentions that affect an outcome;

  • the conscious and unconscious intentions of the healer
  • the conscious and unconscious intentions of the recipient (the ailing person)
  • the conscious and unconscious intentions of the researcher (ostensibly the unbiased observer)
  • the conscious and unconscious intentions of you the reader, as the ostensibly unbiased observer, the believer, your thoughts about the possibility of remote healing. Yes, as always you have a causal effect on what's "happening" around you.

It could be said that in all instances of failed healings the healer and recipient were at cross-purposes; there was no experience of alignment, of communication. Actually, communication did take place; both the healer and the receiver communicated [non-verbally] to the other, "We need to have more communications to produce healing. There are too many thoughts (considerations) in the space." Unacknowledged (non-verbalized) considerations serve as barriers to the experience of communication, of manifesting one's stated intentions.

For example: If the receiver's illness began after they blamed their ex for cheating and they haven't acknowledged to their ex, or themselves, that it was abusive to blame/badmouth them, then it's possible that the source of the illness is a consequence of an unacknowledged perpetration; in which case, permanent healing can't take place until the receiver acknowledges his/her cause in the matter. Conversely, if the healer (doctor) doesn't get into communication with the recipient (patient) and support him/her in recalling what thoughts come to mind about the source of the illness (what it might/could be about) then the healer is ignoring the unconscious intention of the receiver—to be acknowledged for a previous unacknowledged abuse, or, for life's unacknowledged perpetrations. The premise being: Life's unacknowledged perpetrations have consequences effecting one's aliveness, one's outcomes, eventually one's immune system, one's very health. These unacknowledged perpetrations are referred to as incompletes. Incompletes serve as barriers to communication, to manifesting one's stated intentions. "Stated" here meaning,  that what one says they want is often a lie (more accurately, it's just a want).  I.e. I say I want to have six-pack abs again but I still have a pot belly. In other words, I have yet to formulate an intention to manifest six-pack abs.

While it is natural to assume that a healer's intention is always to heal, we can only be certain of this when healing takes place. A healer discovers his/her intention by looking at the results. As pertains to entanglement theory, the healer determines the valence of the receiver, no matter the distance, by observing. The healer cannot know the outcome until they observe it. To know the outcome is to be clear about one's intentions; to do this one must be able to recreate the receiver's intention, (his/her communications). For example: The health benefits produced by the Veterans Administration mirrors the fact that nationwide its staff non-verbally support infidelities amongst them, all ignore the coorelation beteween ones personal integrity and results.

A researcher merely discovers what they (the researcher) intended but did not know they intended until they tallied the results. They must begin with the acknowledgment that they cannot conduct unbiased research, that they have an unconscious agenda discovered only at the end.

  • The majority of inventors acknowledge that their invention was an accident, they did not set out to invent their invention, rather they were experimenting and "it" just happened.
  • One often hears, "We tried therapy and it didn't work" (a blame statement). What's so is the client unconsciously chose a therapist whom they knew they could con into not addressing the source of the problem (their addiction to withholding and to blaming).

When a person is experiencing poor health he/she has most always spent a lifetime manifesting this condition (cancer, back pain, migraine headaches, etc.). Seldom are they aware that the ailment is a manifestation of their intention, most always an expression of their integrity. The ailment serves a purpose. It supports one in first cleaning up life's incompletes and perpetrations so as to eliminate integrity as possibly being the cause, the source of the unwanted condition.

If the recipient lies (to themselves or the healer) and says they want to heal when in fact they haven't gotten to the source, its cause, then it's unlikely that permanent healing will take place. I.e. The remission/reoccurring cycle.

If a healer has yet to master communication, if he/she does not have the ability to create an experience of communication (open, honest, and spontaneous communication, zero significant thoughts withheld) with the recipient, then the results will reveal the unconscious intentions of both.

Many enablers have tried to "heal" an alcoholic partner only to discover later that they [the enabler] were unconscious and could not recreate the alcoholic's non-verbal communications, specifically, that he/she had no intention of healing, not yet. Interestingly, at the start of the healing agreement/program both honestly and sincerely believed that they were intent on succeeding.

This feedback supports a communication model in which intention is determined by the results. For example: If a friend doesn't return a tool per their "agreement" then no matter what I believe, or the words used when creating the agreement, it was not my intention for the tool to be returned on time. With this model there is no blame. In truth, I only created the illusion of an agreement. When agreements are co-created (communicated) they are honored (here's more about agreements).

To post comments about the above feedback.

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